Interior design secrets for creating a cohesive living room


Wondering how to make a room look cohesive to achieve a designer look? I’m sharing three main designer's secrets to put your room together in style!

Define Your Design Style

Everyone has their own unique design style, you do too! You may say, I'm not sure what my design style is and how to blend two styles together. Don't worry, select your two favorite styles, for example here we have modern style furniture with glam accessories to tie everything together. Some people make a mistake matching all the furniture pieces which lacks interest and personal touch.

Creating a Furniture arrangement

While designing your space it’s important to understand furniture arrangement. The most common mistake is to position sofas against the walls. If the furniture is not laid out properly it looks cluttered and affects the traffic flow in the room. Make sure the furniture is away from the walls and there is enough space between furniture pieces. For example, there should be at least 18 inches between a coffee table and the sofa.

Another tip is to lay out the furniture around the focal point of the room. Most people think that that it has to be a TV or fireplace. The focal point could be anything in a room defined by the use of the space by the homeowners.


Nail your proportion

While selecting furniture, choose pieces that are proportionate to each other. A small rug in a large living room just looks off or a small table lamp on the tall side table. Another tip is to choose sofa size according to the room size. A bulky sofa is going to look out of proportion in a small living room.


Create storage solution

One of the main reasons your living room doesn't look cohesive is when you have too much hodgepodge around. Remove all the extra clutter and use cabinets to store toys and games in storage bins if your kids are little and put them away when not in use.

Cohesive color palette

The last thing you should choose is paint! Open concept spaces connecting other spaces should especially look cohesive. To achieve a feeling of continuity choose two to three colors throughout the house. Each color can be used in different values and intensities to produce a wide range of effects. For example, if you are painting navy blue kitchen cabinets, then choose a light shade of blue for the adjoining living room walls. Another tip is to paint all the trims the same shade throughout the house to create a sense of flow from one space to another.


If you wish to purchase these furniture pieces for your living room, click on the items below.

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